Clogging Resources

Clog.org - The National Clogging Organization
CLOG, Inc. is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization dedicated to the promotion, education, enhancement, and preservation of American Clog Dance. CLOG, Inc. continually strives to better serve the clogging community by supporting worldwide clogging activities, communications, and events.


Double Toe Times - The Magazine of Clogging
The Double Toe Times has been the monthly magazine for clog dancers around the world for since 1983! Read by thousands of clogging teachers and dancers throughout the U.S., Canada and around the world, the Double Toe Times brings you the latest in clogging news, views and cues!

The Clogging Champions of America
Clogging Champions of America was formed in 1997 to generate more activity and interest in clogging and competition, to promote a spirit of fun and fellowship, and to make sure the beginner clogger will get to enjoy competing as much as the clogger who has been in it for years. The goal of CCA is to create an atmosphere of spirited and sportsmanlike competition, and to provide more opportunities for cloggers within the competitive and entertainment realms. Competition, CCA feels, is a healthy and entertaining part of clogging because it offers dancers the opportunity to travel to different locations – meeting new clogging friends, step sharing, and supporting each other competitively.

Carl's Clogging Supplies